Summer is all about fun and excitement for kids, while Fall is a return to routines. It can be an overwhelming time for kids, but there are ways to help them transition to Fall.


One important aspect when you transition to Fall with children is their wardrobe. Fall is a tricky season to dress for as it is usually chilly in the morning, warm in the afternoon, and then cold at night. Layers are where it’s at for Fall clothing.

You can put away the tank tops and bathing suits for kids but be sure to keep out t-shirts and dresses. Make sure there are a variety of sweaters for kids to wear so that they can put them on and take them off as the weather dictates. Accessories like hats and scarves are also a good idea for kids that like to be a bit warmer.

Be sure to start taking inventory of your Winter clothing. This way you can look out for sales on high-priced items like snowsuits and boots. A bit of organization will make the next transition to Winter go smoothly.

Indoor Activities

Fall is still a great season to get outside, but there’s a good chance that activities will start to be rained out. Compile a list of indoor activities, like indoor swimming, play centers, and library story times so that if an unexpected rain day happens, you’re prepared. Kids need to be active, whether it’s sunny or rainy out, so be sure to find places that they can run around in.

Bedtime Routine

If you have a child that is in school, then the biggest transition to Fall routine will be a change in bedtime. Without the option of sleeping in for mornings, it’s important that children go to bed at a reasonable time. And as it gets darker out earlier, there will be less opportunities for bike riding and playing outside after dinnertime. Fall bedtime routines can include plenty of reading time, extra bath time, and some play time. Be sure to give kids plenty of time to wind down so that their bodies know it’s time for sleep.


Summer is all about fresh fruit and vegetables and there’s no shortage of yummy, local food to be had. Fall begins the tricky eating time of finding good, nutritious food that your child will be excited about. Thankfully, Fall is all about apples, so look into different apple recipes to spice things up. Pumpkin seeds are also a fun treat to make and eat. If possible, learn how to can so that the peaches and pears that were abundant in summer can be eaten the whole year long.