kids-activities-outsideIs your bored toddler stressing you out? No worries! Check out these fun boredom busters for young kids! From age-appropriate games to fun kids activities outside, enjoy every moment with your child. Make memories to last for a lifetime. Never run out of fun ideas again!

Happy Kids Happy Home

If you are stuck inside the home for long periods of time, the minutes can seem like hours. Sometimes you can’t enjoy kids’ activities outside. Here are fun games to play indoors with your child.

  • Dress Up: Imagine you are a firefighter, a restaurant chef, or a magical fairy. Fill a trunk with old clothes, scarfs, hats, and costume jewelry. Have fun dressing up and making memories.
  • Flat Bread Pizza: Want an easy recipe for little ones? Take flatbread, naan bread, or tortillas. Add a little tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. Find fun toppings like pepperoni or chopped peppers. Bake at medium heat until the cheese melts or quickly microwave. Enjoy the pizza together!
  • Play Veterinarian: Create a pet doctor’s office at the house. Treat stuffed animals. Create a fun vet’s office of caring and fun.
  • Tea Party: Every child loves tea parties. Let you and your toddler choose kid-friendly snacks. Make cool tea (or just fruit punch or lemonade). Serve in fancy (kid-safe) teacups.
  • Boxes: Pile up a stack of cardboard boxes in your living room. Let your children’s imagination go wild. Make a zoo, a village, or an airplane.
  • Car Wash: Fill a small tub with water. Add soap for bubbles. With a sponge and towel, line up toy cars for a car wash.
  • Baby Bath Time: While supervising your child make bath time more fun by letting your child wash their plastic dolls in the bathtub. Wash hair, and then dress them up afterward.
  • Sensory Fun: Fill plastic tubs with different materials. For example, have a plastic container full of sand, Jell-O, or small marshmallows. Fill several tubs with different items that have interesting textures (ex. feathers, cotton balls, or fabric). Be sure to supervise as your child explores new textures for safety.

Backyard Adventures

Enjoy so many fun games outside with your child. Toddlers love to explore their world. Everything is new and exciting. Even activities as simple as watching a bird’s nest fascinates them. Try these great activities:

  • Bird Watching: Watch a bird’s nest or keep an eye out for a neighborhood bird
  • Obstacle Course: Create a fun toddler-friendly obstacle course. Race around for fun and exercise.
  • Bubbles: No matter where you are, bubbles make a perfect toddler time activity. For extra fun, try a giant bubble wand or colorful bubbles.
  • Scavenger Hunt: Find a few plastic toys like a fire engine, plastic doll, or special necklace. Hide them outside. Find a basket and together hunt for the secrete treasures.

Kids Fun City Cares About Your Family

Kids Fun City provides Toronto’s premier indoor playground and entertainment center. With an exciting state-of-the-art arcade, giant slides, toddler area, and fun food, Kids Fun City remains Toronto’s number one family attraction.