
Winter in Ontario brings with it the magic of snow-covered landscapes and the joy of snow days. However, when the temperatures drop and the snow starts falling, sometimes it’s best to enjoy the excitement of indoor play and winter fun activities. Explore some of the best ways to spend a snow day indoors, from engaging in creative crafts to rediscovering the joy of indoor playgrounds. So, grab a warm blanket and a cup of hot cocoa, and let’s get started!

Indoor Playground Fun

Kids get antsy when they can’t play outside. The solution? An indoor playground. Your children will enjoy sliding, climbing, and playing together in an activity-packed space for all ages. Indoor playgrounds remain Toronto’s number one choice for fun winter activities. 

Craft Your Way Through a Snow Day

One delightful way to spend a snow day indoors is by engaging in creative crafts. From making paper snowflakes to crafting snowmen from household materials, the possibilities are endless.

Gather the family around the kitchen table and unleash your artistic talents. Allow everyone to choose their favorite craft project, whether it’s painting, drawing, or knitting. You can also opt for a group project like creating a winter-themed collage or building a cardboard igloo.

Not only does this foster creativity, but it also provides a fantastic opportunity for quality family time. You can share stories, exchange ideas, and help each other with your projects. It’s a great way to bond and create lasting memories.

Rediscover the Joy of Board Games and Puzzles

There’s a timeless charm in gathering around a table for a friendly board game competition or solving a challenging puzzle. Snow days offer the perfect chance to rediscover classic board games or try out new ones.

You can start with the classics like Monopoly, Scrabble, or chess, or opt for newer games like Settlers of Catan or Ticket to Ride. There are also cooperative games like Pandemic or Forbidden Island, where players work together to achieve a common goal.

Board games and puzzles are not only fun, but they also provide valuable cognitive benefits. They enhance problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and strategic planning. They also promote social interaction and communication.

Have an Indoor Snowball Fight

Transform your living room into a winter wonderland by staging an indoor snowball fight. Soft, plush snowballs make for a safe and enjoyable experience for all ages. You can easily find them online or at your local toy store.

Create forts, designate teams, and let the laughter and excitement fill the room. You can also add some snow-themed music, decorations, and snacks to enhance the experience. It’s a lively way to burn off some energy and create lasting memories.

Indulge in a Movie Marathon

Snow days are the perfect excuse to indulge in a movie marathon. You can choose your favorite winter-themed movies like Frozen, The Polar Express, or Home Alone, or opt for a series like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.

Make some popcorn, grab some blankets, and snuggle with your loved ones for a cozy movie night. You can also add some winter-themed snacks like hot cocoa, s’mores, or gingerbread cookies. It’s a relaxing and enjoyable way to spend a snowy day indoors.

Winter in Ontario can be magical, but it can also be challenging. Snow days offer a perfect opportunity to enjoy some cozy indoor activities with your family and friends. From engaging in creative crafts to rediscovering classic board games, the possibilities are endless.