3 Must-Haves for a Fantastic Birthday Party

So you want to throw the absolute perfect birthday party.  You want to make sure that you have everything prepared and set up, so that everything goes smoothly, wonderfully and memorably.  This can be difficult at times!  There always seems to be something you've forgotten, requiring last-minute scrambling.  We want to help prevent that!  Here are a few of Kids Fun City's must-haves for planning a birthday party: The Right Venue Of course, we're going to suggest Kids Fun City as the perfect venue for a birthday party – with private facility rentals and semi-private rooms, we're the best choice [...]

3 Must-Haves for a Fantastic Birthday Party2017-07-27T07:11:23+00:00

4 Great Food Options for Kids Parties

Whether it's a birthday party, a summer celebration or a sleepover with a bunch of friends, food takes a party to the next level!  Kids can be picky at times, and finding the right thing for a whole kit and caboodle can be a challenging task.  Here's some of the best food options for a major party: Pizza Of course the top option was going to be pizza.  Very, very few kids don't enjoy at least some kind of pizza, and the wide variety of toppings available means finding options to match any dietary restrictions and preferences to be a [...]

4 Great Food Options for Kids Parties2017-06-19T04:37:03+00:00

Fun Ideas for School Lunches

Packing your child’s school lunch can be a handful at times.  You want to make sure they continue to eat healthy even when they’re away, but you also want to make sure they have something fun and exciting to eat, all while balancing a busy schedule at home.  Too often, we just slap together another peanut butter sandwich and call it a day. If you’re looking to add some variety to your kid’s lunches, and don’t have all day to craft some of the stuff you find on fancy food blogs, we’re here to help.  Here are five fun and [...]

Fun Ideas for School Lunches2017-04-19T16:53:39+00:00

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