How To Plan A Birthday Party at Kids Fun City

A child’s birthday party is an event like no other. It is a day of pure joy and anticipation. The date is counted down to almost the entire year, and each kid gets to feel important on their special day. However, behind the scenes can be a lot of worry and stress on the part of parents. Who to invite, where to host it, what to feed the kids: all need to be decided on. To eliminate. Save some of the stress; why not plan a birthday party at Kids Fun City? Decide on Numbers The most important part of [...]

How To Plan A Birthday Party at Kids Fun City2019-02-19T03:35:05+00:00

3 Activities To Keep A Child Active When It’s Raining

Children need to be active during the day. Activity helps to regulate their body and allows for them to be tired enough to easily drift off to sleep. A lot of activity happens outside, where it’s easier for children to move around. But what to do when it’s raining? Here are some activities to help keep a child active when it’s raining. Go Outside As an adult, a rainy day means curling up with a good book and enjoying the solitude. But with children, it’s the opposite. So, dig in the closet for your rainboots and jacket, and go outside [...]

3 Activities To Keep A Child Active When It’s Raining2018-07-18T03:08:16+00:00

4 After Dinner Spring Activities

The days are finally getting longer and there’s no more chill in the air. It can only mean one thing: spring has finally arrived! If you want to enjoy this time with your children, here are four after dinner spring activities that the whole family can partake in. Ride a bike There’s very little that encapsulates the joys of childhood than riding a bike. Whether it’s a two-wheeled bike, a balance bike, or a tricycle, take a little journey around the block with your wheels. If your child is old enough and can keep pace, dust off your own bike [...]

4 After Dinner Spring Activities2018-05-30T02:58:21+00:00

Beating the School Year Blues

For most of us, school is about to start – it's the last precious few weeks of summer vacation before the daily grind starts up for another year. School can have a draining effect on kids, even after they come home.  Homework can drain them to the point where they want to do nothing more than stare at the TV screen all day long.  You can fight this brain drain, though!  It's a good idea to keep your kids active, both physically and mentally.  Here are some tips to beat those school year blues and keep your kids entertained and [...]

Beating the School Year Blues2017-08-25T02:17:31+00:00

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