How To Avoid the Word ‘Boring’ During Summer Break

Summer may be coming to an end, but there’s no doubt that the word ‘boring’ is still popping up. The transition from the daily structure of school to the wide-open hours of summer can be a lot for children to process and as a result they don’t quite know what to do with their free time. Adults, in turn, face pressure to combat this boredom. Here are few ways to avoid the word boring during summer break. Embrace Boredom First, know that it is perfectly fine for children to be bored. In fact, this is often where creativity shines. When [...]

How To Avoid the Word ‘Boring’ During Summer Break2018-08-11T04:20:37+00:00

4 Interactive Birthday Party Activities

Kids birthday parties are often an afternoon full of chaos. Between the sugary snacks, the yummy cake, and the excitement over opening presents, throwing a birthday party is more about survival than anything else. To help tame the chaos, have the kids engage in a common activity. By making an interactive birthday party, you can allow children to have fun while also leaving your house intact. 1. Get Them Crafting There are so many fun crafts that kids can do, regardless of their age. If you have a superhero themed birthday party, have the kids make superhero masks at the [...]

4 Interactive Birthday Party Activities2018-08-11T04:16:51+00:00

4 Reasons Children Love Free Play

There is so much learning to be had in play. This can seem counterintuitive, but play is the best way for children to learn. In particular, free play allows children to use whatever tools and toys they have around them and create their own game. They can play with others or play by themselves. But the point is that in free play, children decide what happens next. This freedom is exciting and it is where children develop. Here are four reasons why children love free play and why it should be encouraged. Imagination Children can imagine the unimaginable. Or so [...]

4 Reasons Children Love Free Play2018-07-18T03:07:29+00:00

3 Activities To Keep A Child Active When It’s Raining

Children need to be active during the day. Activity helps to regulate their body and allows for them to be tired enough to easily drift off to sleep. A lot of activity happens outside, where it’s easier for children to move around. But what to do when it’s raining? Here are some activities to help keep a child active when it’s raining. Go Outside As an adult, a rainy day means curling up with a good book and enjoying the solitude. But with children, it’s the opposite. So, dig in the closet for your rainboots and jacket, and go outside [...]

3 Activities To Keep A Child Active When It’s Raining2018-07-18T03:08:16+00:00

Healthy Snack Ideas For Kids

The constant refrain of, “I’m hungry” is enough to get on any parent’s nerve. And unfortunately, even if a child is hungry, chances are they actually want something unhealthy and full of sugar. It then falls to a parent or caregiver to look for creative ways to satisfy a child’s never-ending want of snacks. Here are a few healthy snack ideas to help you out. If you want even more ideas, check out here. Fruit Popsicles There’s nothing better on a hot day than an ice-cold popsicle. However, most store-bought popsicles are loaded with sugar. Even those that include real [...]

Healthy Snack Ideas For Kids2018-06-18T23:30:55+00:00

3 Easy Craft Ideas for Kids

Kids naturally want to be creative. That’s the easy part. The hard part is for parents to think of ways to foster creativity. The good thing is that there are many easy craft ideas for kids. 1. Birthday cards Kids love birthdays. They love their own birthdays and they love celebrating other people’s birthdays. Keep up this enthusiasm by having your child make a birthday card for a friend or family member. Any paper will do, but construction paper or card stock will work the best. Fold the paper in half. Let your child decorate with markers and stickers. If [...]

3 Easy Craft Ideas for Kids2018-06-18T23:33:00+00:00

How To Help Children Make Friends

Making new friends can be hard at any age. Whether its children or adults, that first step towards friendship can be difficult, but ultimately worth it. We need friends in our lives. Children are aware of the need for friendship, but it can be hard sometimes for them to start. Here are some ways to help children make friends. Age Expectations Keep your expectations realistic with children, especially with regards to their age. Children that are under 3 years old still resort to parallel play. That is, they play next to each other, either with similar toys or different ones, [...]

How To Help Children Make Friends2018-05-30T02:57:32+00:00

4 After Dinner Spring Activities

The days are finally getting longer and there’s no more chill in the air. It can only mean one thing: spring has finally arrived! If you want to enjoy this time with your children, here are four after dinner spring activities that the whole family can partake in. Ride a bike There’s very little that encapsulates the joys of childhood than riding a bike. Whether it’s a two-wheeled bike, a balance bike, or a tricycle, take a little journey around the block with your wheels. If your child is old enough and can keep pace, dust off your own bike [...]

4 After Dinner Spring Activities2018-05-30T02:58:21+00:00

Why Superhero Play is Fun

Ask a child what superheroes do, and the answer is most likely that they ‘save the day.’ This innocence is what makes superhero play so much fun. Here are a few reasons why superhero play is fun and how to encourage it. Remember that the focus can easily be shifted to the good work that superheroes do and not the bad behaviors of the criminals. Superhero Play Involves Powers Each superhero is unique, thanks mostly to their diverse powers. Superman can fly. Spiderman can spin webs. Catwoman can scale buildings. Even Queen Elsa, from Disney’s hugely popular film Frozen, is [...]

Why Superhero Play is Fun2018-05-29T10:45:29+00:00

3 Fun Gardening Activities

Gardening activities come to mind as soon as spring has spring. As the snow melts and the days grow longer, it’s important to get children outside and into nature. One way to get children excited about the outdoors is by involving them in a garden. Gardens don’t have to be scary or overwhelming. Indeed, the best gardens are simple labors of love. Read on to find fun gardening activities that any child will love. They all start with a bit of guidance from an adult, but once your child becomes immersed in the world of gardening, they will start to [...]

3 Fun Gardening Activities2018-04-19T03:40:01+00:00

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