Why It’s Important To Keep Children Active

Children were born to be active. It is their natural state. As parents and caregivers, it is up to us to not only encourage activity, but find ways to incorporate it in a daily routine. This post looks to answer the question, why it's important to keep children active. Decreases Screen Time When your child is active, it means that they are not inactive. This sounds intuitive, but is still important to remember. If you child is playing it means that they are definitely not sitting passively in front of a screen. And we can all agree that too much [...]

Why It’s Important To Keep Children Active2018-03-18T20:52:02+00:00

How To Prevent A Toddler Meltdown

We’ve all been there. Out in public and next to you is a screaming toddler. You don’t want to acknowledge it, but that toddler belongs to you, and somehow you need to deal with the situation. There is no easy way to deal with a toddler meltdown, but there are ways to prevent one from happening. How to prevent a toddler meltdown may not always be possible, but by focusing on food, sleep, and activity, you can lessen the chances of it happening. Food Toddlers have little stomachs, and they need to be constantly refilled to sustain their energy. While [...]

How To Prevent A Toddler Meltdown2018-03-18T20:47:14+00:00

How to Foster Imaginative Play

Imaginative play is one of the best ways for children to learn. It allows them to use their imagination and practice real-life situations in a safe setting. Here are five ways to foster imaginative play. They are simple, easy, and most importantly, child-focused. Let Children Lead It’s no secret that children are more imaginative than adults. Because of this, it’s important to let children be the leaders in imaginative play. Let them come up with the premise. If they’re not sure how to start, offer prompts rather than suggestions. Open-ended questions are best. “What kind of job do you want [...]

How to Foster Imaginative Play2018-03-02T03:38:05+00:00

7 Tips to Keep Kids Active in Winter

It can be so easy to forget about keeping your kids active in winter. It’s dark, cold, and it can seem miserable. But it’s so important for kids to exercise, especially as recent studies suggest that almost 80% of children aren’t getting enough activity. 1 - Enjoy The Outdoors It might be cold, but you can still enjoy being outside with your kids. Encourage your kids to go out even in winter to walk the dog, play with their friends or go to the park. 2 - Try A New Activity Try going to your local indoor swimming pool, indoor [...]

7 Tips to Keep Kids Active in Winter2018-02-24T16:02:57+00:00

Healthy Snacks That Kids Will Love

  Kids nowadays have a habit of nibbling throughout the day. However, most of the snacks they consume are not healthy and are detrimental to their health.  Cookies, cupcakes, doughnuts, and chips are just some of the most common.  Snacks are important for kids because they have a higher metabolic rate and high energy requirements. There are some healthy snacks kids can feed on to satisfy their sweet tooth. Here are some great snack time ideas: Fruit smoothies Not only are fruit smoothies naturally sweet and nutritious, but they also have no sweeteners. Smoothies are easy to make. You only [...]

Healthy Snacks That Kids Will Love2018-02-24T15:53:38+00:00

Tips For Finding Cool Toys For Your Child

With the holiday season right around the corner, it's time to track down those great gifts that your kids will love.  If you're like us, though, you may find it hard to keep track of just what's cool and what's not!  While we could provide a list of what's hot right now, the list would quickly become out of date.  Instead, here are some tips on how to find what the coolest toys are, no matter when you're reading this. Look for Hot Sellers Naturally, things that are selling a lot are bound to be popular.  Most online sites, including [...]

Tips For Finding Cool Toys For Your Child2017-11-22T22:35:02+00:00

How Indoor Playgrounds Keep Kids Happy & Healthy

A trip to an indoor playground like Kids Fun City isn't just a fun day out for kid.  Regular trips also help keep children happy and healthy – it can be a very beneficial activity for your children.  How, you say?  Read on to find out! Health The American Heart Association recommends that children get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity every day, a number which seems harder and harder to reach as video games and computers take up more and more of children's play time.  A trip to Kids Fun City gives them a great space [...]

How Indoor Playgrounds Keep Kids Happy & Healthy2017-10-25T22:41:28+00:00

Even More Fun Family Activities In and Around Toronto

We got such a great reception for our last list of fun things to do around Toronto that we're doing it again!  Toronto is filled with fun activities and events to do for the entire family, and some of them are nearly as good as Kids Fun City! Nearly, that is. Here are three more of our favorite places to go with families here in the Toronto area, outside of Kids Fun City, of course! Ontario Science Centre The Ontario Science Centre is huge, and there are tons of activities and exhibits to experience!  The big draw of the Science [...]

Even More Fun Family Activities In and Around Toronto2017-10-25T22:35:15+00:00

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