3 Super Easy No Bake Recipes for Kids

Create fun memories with your kids by making these delicious no-bake treats together. Cooking together builds important skills. Try these fun cooking kids activities ideas with your children today. Super Yummy No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Squares Love peanut butter? Love chocolate? Then we have the best chocolatey kids activities ideas for you! First you will need the following ingredients: 2 dozen chocolate wafers Cooking spray 3 tablespoons of melted butter, unsalted 4 ounces of melted chocolate chip cookies 4 ounces of cream cheese Half a cup of peanut butter Half a cup of plain Greek yogurt Cup of powdered [...]

3 Super Easy No Bake Recipes for Kids2020-05-21T00:35:26+00:00

8 Great Exercise Ideas to Keep Your Kids Active This Winter

Keep your family active with these engaging activities. You will find that these fun ways to get kids active will help them stay happy and healthy. Exercise has many benefits like boosting mood, maintaining a healthy weight, and building wonderful memories. Families that exercise together build community and learn how to work together. Not to mention, a busy kid is not a bored kid! Keep Your Kids Active! Indoor Playgrounds – When cold weather gives your family the winter blues, bundle up your kids and go to a family indoor playground like Kids Fun City. Indoor attractions like Kids Fun [...]

8 Great Exercise Ideas to Keep Your Kids Active This Winter2020-02-19T17:01:35+00:00

4 Spring Experiences Your Child Must Experience

Ah, Spring. The chance to unlock the doors and step out into much needed sunshine. No matter how blustery or even wet Spring can be, there’s a certain wonder to the season. New growth and new possibilities. If you’re wondering what adventures to get into this Spring, here are four Spring experiences your child must have. Bird watching Birds are all around us and it can be fascinating to stop and take a look. You can arm your child with a bird book and binoculars and spend hours looking for new species. Head to your local park or start exploring [...]

4 Spring Experiences Your Child Must Experience2019-04-18T21:32:19+00:00

How To Help Children Make Friends

Making new friends can be hard at any age. Whether its children or adults, that first step towards friendship can be difficult, but ultimately worth it. We need friends in our lives. Children are aware of the need for friendship, but it can be hard sometimes for them to start. Here are some ways to help children make friends. Age Expectations Keep your expectations realistic with children, especially with regards to their age. Children that are under 3 years old still resort to parallel play. That is, they play next to each other, either with similar toys or different ones, [...]

How To Help Children Make Friends2018-05-30T02:57:32+00:00

What to Do When your Child’s Friend isn’t a Good Influence

We love it when our kids make friends at school, but we all know that not all friends are created equal.  While we’d love everyone to get along and be friends, there are sometimes that you’ll find your kid hanging out with a crowd you’re not thrilled with. Maybe they’ve started being disrespectful, or have begun using bad language – traits they’re picking up from their classmates at school.  You can’t be with your child 24 hours a day – what should you do if they start picking up these bad traits from their friends and classmates? First of all, [...]

What to Do When your Child’s Friend isn’t a Good Influence2017-04-19T16:53:25+00:00

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