How To Incorporate STEM Into Your Child’s Summer

You’ve probably heard the phrase STEM by now, as it is the current buzzword when it comes to children’s education. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. Basically, while arts are still vitally important, it was recognized that the more scientific aspects of life weren’t always being incorporated in the educational curriculum, especially when it came to girls’ learning. The areas in STEM can seem a bit overwhelming to parents, but we’ve put together this handy guide to help you incorporate STEM into your child’s summer. You can still learn while having fun! Science Who doesn’t love a good [...]

How To Incorporate STEM Into Your Child’s Summer2019-06-18T17:25:20+00:00

3 Essential Summer Experiences For Kids

With the end of school and the beginning of summer, you might be wondering what to do with your kids. The good news is that kids are really creative and with just a few basic tools, there’s no limit to what they can come up with. The bad news is that summer can be long and the constant refrain or, “I’m bored,” is every parent’s worst nightmare. Here are three essential summer experiences for children to help make summer a bit more interesting. Build a tree fort While most people lack a decent tree in their backyard to make a [...]

3 Essential Summer Experiences For Kids2019-06-18T17:21:33+00:00

3 Recipes To Start The Day Healthy With Kids

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for kids for a reason. After a (hopefully) long night of sleep, their bodies need more fuel to start the day. And, when you add in school, they need to have enough energy to focus and learn in the morning. These recipes to start the day healthy will keep your kids happy and focused. Jazzed up granola Granola may be a tasty treat for adults, but for kids it looks more like squirrel food. Create a make-your-own granola station in the morning. Have little bowls of oats, various seeds, and sliced [...]

3 Recipes To Start The Day Healthy With Kids2019-05-17T22:21:29+00:00

5 Ways To Keep Kids Focused Until The End Of School

The end of school is an exciting time. It means warm weather, plenty of outdoor time, and most importantly, freedom. But don’t get too excited as school isn’t over yet. If your child can’t wait for summer but still needs to finish their school first, here are some simple ways to keep kids focused until the end of school. Create a calendar No matter how old your kids are, teaching them the basics of a calendar is a smart idea. Instead of having them constantly asking how long until school ends, they can have a nice visual to remind them. [...]

5 Ways To Keep Kids Focused Until The End Of School2019-05-17T22:18:20+00:00

4 Spring Experiences Your Child Must Experience

Ah, Spring. The chance to unlock the doors and step out into much needed sunshine. No matter how blustery or even wet Spring can be, there’s a certain wonder to the season. New growth and new possibilities. If you’re wondering what adventures to get into this Spring, here are four Spring experiences your child must have. Bird watching Birds are all around us and it can be fascinating to stop and take a look. You can arm your child with a bird book and binoculars and spend hours looking for new species. Head to your local park or start exploring [...]

4 Spring Experiences Your Child Must Experience2019-04-18T21:32:19+00:00

3 Delicious After School Snacks

After school, kids get hungry, but what do you give them when dinner is only a few hours later? While kids might be craving some sweet treats, this is prime time to give them a nutritious snack. They’ve just had a major workout from learning and also need enough fuel to make it to bedtime. Here are a few delicious after school snacks to satisfy your little one’s hunger. Fresh fruit It may seem simple, but fruit is the perfect after school snack. Whether it’s apples in the fall, oranges in the winter, strawberries in the spring, or blueberries in [...]

3 Delicious After School Snacks2019-04-18T21:28:50+00:00

4 Ways Exercise Can Keep Kids Focused

We all would love it if our children just sat quietly and kept on task, but the reality is that their little minds and bodies need a lot of help regulating themselves. And, while we have the luxury of getting up and walking around if need be during the day, children have a lot of rules at school that they need to follow. Fortunately, exercise can keep kids focused. Here’s how. Improves mood When you exercise, your body releases endorphins. These hormones literally make you a happier person. Have you ever noticed that while it can be hard to start [...]

4 Ways Exercise Can Keep Kids Focused2019-03-17T22:11:19+00:00

How To Plan A Corporate Event At Kids Fun City

When you think about indoor activity centers, it’s natural to picture throngs of children running around, having fun. But what if there were a way to channel your inner child? At Kids Fun City, both kids and adults are welcome to enjoy the area. If you’re looking to plan a corporate event, consider Kids Fun City. You won’t be disappointed. Large Space Trying to get together a lot of people, but can’t find a facility to accommodate everyone? At Kids Fun City, corporate events of up to 100 people are welcome. If you have a smaller group, of around 50, [...]

How To Plan A Corporate Event At Kids Fun City2019-03-17T22:12:02+00:00

Lazer Frenzy: Why It’s a Great Workout For Kids

Kids need to be active. We all know this, but sometimes it can be hard to motivate kids to get going. While smaller children seem to be constantly on the move, school-age kids start living a more sedentary life. But as parents and caregivers, it’s our job to motivate them to move. So, how is this possible? The best way to provide a great workout for kids is by making it fun. And Lazer Frenzy is non-stop fun. There’s a maze! With Lazer Frenzy, kids are always on the move. After choosing one of the four types of mazes, kids [...]

Lazer Frenzy: Why It’s a Great Workout For Kids2019-02-19T03:46:28+00:00

How To Plan A Birthday Party at Kids Fun City

A child’s birthday party is an event like no other. It is a day of pure joy and anticipation. The date is counted down to almost the entire year, and each kid gets to feel important on their special day. However, behind the scenes can be a lot of worry and stress on the part of parents. Who to invite, where to host it, what to feed the kids: all need to be decided on. To eliminate. Save some of the stress; why not plan a birthday party at Kids Fun City? Decide on Numbers The most important part of [...]

How To Plan A Birthday Party at Kids Fun City2019-02-19T03:35:05+00:00

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