What is a Family Entertainment Center?

When you need a fun safe place for your family, a family entertainment center is perfect! Enjoy fun games, an indoor playground, delicious food, and more. For example, looking for Toronto things to see? Enjoy hours of thrilling fun at Kids Fun City, Toronto’s best indoor amusement center. With food and fun for the whole family, Kids Fun City remains every family’s #1 choice for family entertainment. Games and More! Looking for a fun amusement center on a budget? A family entertainment center offers exciting options for every age. From indoor mini-golf to giant slides, a large arcade to classic [...]

What is a Family Entertainment Center?2024-01-30T17:23:21+00:00

30 Things to Do with Kids When You’re Stuck at Home

Tired of kids complaining, “I’m bored!” Sometimes finding fun family activities at home can be difficult. What can the kids do? The team at Kids Fun City cares about your family. We created this fun list of activities for you and your family. Enjoy making new memories. Never worry about being bored again. The Ultimate List of Boredom Busters We know you want the best for your kids. Our list of affordable family activities at home can be adapted to any age group. Don’t worry about budget. Many of these activities don’t require you to buy anything. Make the most [...]

30 Things to Do with Kids When You’re Stuck at Home2020-07-20T19:08:02+00:00

20 Ways to Encourage Your Child to be Physically Active

Children need to enjoy fun physical activity. Healthy children run, play, and jump for at least an hour a day. Today many children spend too much sedentary time in front of screens. The technology used for the classroom might result in unhealthy habits. Instead, encourage your family to be physically active with healthy lifestyle habits and fun exercises for kids. The Importance of Family Fun Your children want to be with you. When you engage in fun family activities with your children, together you get healthy and build happy memories. There are many fun exercises for kids that you can [...]

20 Ways to Encourage Your Child to be Physically Active2020-06-19T17:18:08+00:00

What Do You Do with Kids in the Winter?

Winter cabin fever can drive parents and kids crazy! Avoid being bored in your home all winter with these fun activities. Whether you check out an exciting indoor playground, go sledding, or try your hand at art, you can turn the winter blahs into winter awesomeness! Time to Play! Children stuck indoors for hours and hours on end can get restless, especially if they don’t have a place to get out excess energy. That can lead to trouble, fights between siblings, and whining. Avoid all of this by checking out an entertainment center indoor playground. These great attractions offer children [...]

What Do You Do with Kids in the Winter?2020-02-01T00:18:32+00:00

3 Essential Summer Experiences For Kids

With the end of school and the beginning of summer, you might be wondering what to do with your kids. The good news is that kids are really creative and with just a few basic tools, there’s no limit to what they can come up with. The bad news is that summer can be long and the constant refrain or, “I’m bored,” is every parent’s worst nightmare. Here are three essential summer experiences for children to help make summer a bit more interesting. Build a tree fort While most people lack a decent tree in their backyard to make a [...]

3 Essential Summer Experiences For Kids2019-06-18T17:21:33+00:00

5 Ways To Keep Kids Focused Until The End Of School

The end of school is an exciting time. It means warm weather, plenty of outdoor time, and most importantly, freedom. But don’t get too excited as school isn’t over yet. If your child can’t wait for summer but still needs to finish their school first, here are some simple ways to keep kids focused until the end of school. Create a calendar No matter how old your kids are, teaching them the basics of a calendar is a smart idea. Instead of having them constantly asking how long until school ends, they can have a nice visual to remind them. [...]

5 Ways To Keep Kids Focused Until The End Of School2019-05-17T22:18:20+00:00

4 Spring Experiences Your Child Must Experience

Ah, Spring. The chance to unlock the doors and step out into much needed sunshine. No matter how blustery or even wet Spring can be, there’s a certain wonder to the season. New growth and new possibilities. If you’re wondering what adventures to get into this Spring, here are four Spring experiences your child must have. Bird watching Birds are all around us and it can be fascinating to stop and take a look. You can arm your child with a bird book and binoculars and spend hours looking for new species. Head to your local park or start exploring [...]

4 Spring Experiences Your Child Must Experience2019-04-18T21:32:19+00:00

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