Kids nowadays have a habit of nibbling throughout the day. However, most of the snacks they consume are not healthy and are detrimental to their health.  Cookies, cupcakes, doughnuts, and chips are just some of the most common.  Snacks are important for kids because they have a higher metabolic rate and high energy requirements. There are some healthy snacks kids can feed on to satisfy their sweet tooth. Here are some great snack time ideas:

Fruit smoothies

Not only are fruit smoothies naturally sweet and nutritious, but they also have no sweeteners. Smoothies are easy to make. You only require a blender, fresh fruits such as oranges, bananas, mangoes, among others and a base like water or milk.

 Nutty popcorn mixed with fruits

The mix is easy to prepare and the preparation shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes. For this, you only require a package of microwave popcorn, peanuts, potato sticks, dried fruits, grated Parmesan cheese and a non-stick cooking spray. The mix is known to contain a lot of nutritional value including nutrients such as sodium, fats and carbs and many more.

 Baked sweet potato chips

These crunchy delicacies are a good replacement for those fried potato chips the kids are used to. Baked potatoes are healthier compared to the fried ones. They are also more nourishing. You don’t require more than 25 minutes baking these chips.  The ingredients required are two sweet potatoes, cinnamon, vegetable oil, and 1 tablespoon of sugar. They are a good source of vitamin A, fiber and potassium.

 Apple Smash

Your little ones can help you make this. The ingredients required include 4 apples, peeled, and cut in small bite-size pieces, apple juice, a cinnamon stick, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and another teaspoon of ground nutmeg. These ingredients are put in a saucepan and left to cook for about 10 minutes. They are then allowed to cool for another 10 minutes and smashed using a potato masher. It takes at most 25 minutes to prepare.

 Berry yogurt pops

These yummy fruit bars are made using canned pears, yogurt along with fresh blueberries. The popsicles have a lot of nutritional value as they provide fats, fiber, carbs as well as proteins. Your kids will love this cool treat.


Do away with the cookies and cupcakes. Healthy snacks can also be sweet and delicious!